The joy of smoking great cigars is always increased when you share the experience with others. We have created two very special ways for you to share your passion of cigars with other cigar enthusiasts, both in person and online.
VIP Cigar Tours are unlike any other cigar factory tour in the world. Every tour is custom designed for the group attending and provides unprecedented access to the factories, farms, and people of the Premium Cigar Industry. You will be able to see and experience things that are normally only available to a select group of cigar industry professionals and insiders. Our tours include luxury accommodations, amazing food, excellent drinks, and and great times with fellow smokers and the people who create the cigars you love to smoke. Click on the logo below and find out how you can be a part of something very special..and be treated like a true Cigar VIP! will be unlike any cigar website on the Planet. It's still being developed, but when it's completed you will be able to interact with other smokers and cigar industry people in a way never seen before. The features and content will blow you away! Click the logo below and sign up to our mailing list to be notified when you can experience the new standard in Social Cigar sites!